
“Kindness for Conflict offers separating couples and families hope that there is a better way, and gives them tips to use along the way.
It looks at how changing a few small things, and remembering what you can (and cannot) control, can make big differences and lead to positive outcomes. I thoroughly recommend this book, which is brimming with positivity.
You CAN have a kinder separation!”
— Rebecca Hawkins, Family Solutions, Specialist in non-court options for families
A Guide to Separation & Divorce
You may ask how can kindness make a difference in divorce.
Am I weak if I am kind? How does kindness work to support you, if you have an angry, difficult or narcissistic Ex?
This book will guide you through a kinder divorce journey that has helped so many to go from anger, sadness and pain, to calm, clarity and confidence.
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Are you thinking about or going through a divorce and thinking is there a kinder way?
If any of these apply to you then you have found this book for a reason:
You don’t want to be that divorcee who’s still angry in five years’ time
You don’t trust yourself to be kinder, the narrative says it might not work and is seen as weak (FYI, kindness is clever!)
You feel heartbroken, and angry and don’t want to feel like this forever
Your relationship with your Ex is exhausting
You have fallen into the divorce rabbit hole and need a framework and plan to navigate your way out
You know you are strong inside, but just don’t feel it and need to know how to access your inner strength
You fear being judged, and a failure for getting a divorce
You worry about your children, will they be all right, how do you protect them from divorce and can you co-parent well moving forwards?
You are ready to step into your power, say yes to yourself and start living again
“As someone who has been involved in peace building in both the family and Irish spheres, I have been looking forward to the publication of “Kindness for Conflict”.
I have massive respect and admiration for the book’s author, Tosh Brittan aka @divorcegoddess who has been a thought changer around divorce for a number of years. Tosh advocates for a more integrated approach to this difficult, painful and often challenging life event.
Her podcasts are fantastic and her “Kindness for Conflict” divorce coaching model is a game changer. I believe that this will be a “must read” for all of us who are involved in family conflict resolution in whatever capacity.”
— James Stewart, Chambers HNW Family Lawyer of the Year

What More Experts Say About Kindness for Conflict