Living and feeling disconnected is exhausting, we lose ourselves in devices in human interactions, and 'functioning' has become the normal. It doesn't have to be this way... it is time for change and it begins with you.
Welcome to our Goddess Gatherings space!
Unleash your true potential and live more connected to who you are as a beautiful woman living her best life in this changing world...
Dancing is an important expression of who we are as women.
If you love dancing and feel the only safe place to dance is in your kitchen, then this is for you!
Dancing together is a powerful way for women to own their individual expression of movement, enjoy group energy that movement to music brings, in a held safe space with other like-minded women.
Goddess Gathering dancing is all about you giving yourself permission to let go and have fun, moving in your own time, and an opportunity for you to reconnect energetically to your mind, body and spirit.
You will be guided throughout as we move through the chakras to music created to support you to let go and allow yourself to move without judgement and with a smile.
One thing we all know is we are tired of being in competition, worried about what others think and dancing with other supportive women gives you the chance and the freedom to move as you.
Each month as close to the Full Moon there is Goddess Gathering dancing for you to experience, share space with others and be your beautiful free expressive self.
Friday 24 May @7.15pm at The Centre of Complementary Medicine, Dragon Street, Petersfield £18 inc welcoming Goddess Gathering tea ceremony.
Click on the heart to join x
Healing for the healers. A reiki share with a difference facilitated by Master Teachers Nikki Gresham-Record and Tosh Brittan.
A beautiful day of reconnection and re-emergence in the love-light of Reiki and beautiful souls. These days are to enable us to come together, in service of the embodiment of our divine light and to allow the space for practice, healing and recalibration for we the healers.
It is so important in this time of great awakening for souls to come together in a coherent and loving field to build the new as we move from “I to We”.
Join us for heart connection, holding, sharing, personal learning and remembrance, healing & union, qigong practice (to assist with the journey into emptiness and the subtle realms), meditation and group reiki share/healings.
Refreshments are provided.
Bring a dish for a shared lunch at Clinic 51.
11am – 5.30pm (arrive from 10.30am)
Clinic 51, The Black Barn, Dye House Lane, Duncton, Petworth, GU28 0LF
Join me for quarterly light language meditations where you will be surrounded by Light Language Art - powerful symbols there to support you in whichever area of your life you are working with to heal, unblock and create more of - whether this is healing, joy, abundance or the empowering "I am".
These are 60 min guided meditations and include channelled light language in a safe space to empower, calm and heal.
Next date coming soon